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 Datos Enviados por el Usuario

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Mensajes : 17
Fecha de inscripción : 14/10/2008

Datos Enviados por el Usuario Empty
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Datos Enviados por el Usuario

Las mayores debilidades de muchos programas PHP no son inherentes al lenguaje mismo, sino simplemente un problema generado cuando se escribe código sin pensar en la seguridad. Por esta razón, usted debería tomarse siempre el tiempo para considerar las implicaciones de cada pedazo de código, para averiguar el posible peligro involucrado cuando una variable inesperada es enviada.

Example #1 Uso Peligroso de Variables
// eliminar un archivo del directorio personal del usuario .. ¿o
// quizás de alguien más?

unlink ($variable_malvada);

// Imprimir el registro del acceso... ¿o quizás una entrada de /etc/passwd?
fwrite ($desc_archivo, $variable_malvada);

// Ejecutar algo trivial.. ¿o rm -rf *?
system ($variable_malvada);
exec ($variable_malvada);


Usted debería examinar siempre, y cuidadosamente su código para asegurarse de que cualquier variable siendo enviada desde un navegador web sea chequeada apropiadamente, y preguntarse a sí mismo:

* ¿Este script afectará únicamente los archivos que se pretende?
* ¿Puede tomarse acción sobre datos inusuales o indeseados?
* ¿Puede ser usado este script en formas malintencionadas?
* ¿Puede ser usado en conjunto con otros scripts en forma negativa?
* ¿Serán adecuadamente registradas las transacciones?

Al preguntarse adecuadamente estas preguntas mientras escribe su script, en lugar de hacerlo posteriormente, usted previene una desafortunada re-implementación del programa cuando desee incrementar el nivel de seguridad. Al comenzar con esta mentalidad, no garantizará la seguridad de su sistema, pero puede ayudar a mejorarla.

Puede que también desee considerar la deshabilitación de register_globals, magic_quotes, u otros parámetros convenientes que pueden causar confusión sobre la validez, fuente o valor de una determinada variable. Trabajar con PHP en modo error_reporting(E_ALL) también puede ayudarle a advertir variables que están siendo usadas antes de ser chequeadas o inicializadas (de modo que puede prevenir que datos inusuales produzcan operaciones inadvertidas).

Comillas Mágicas> <Uso de Register Globals Last updated: Fri, 22 Aug 2008

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Datos Enviados por el Usuario
ffmandu13 at hotmail dot com
24-Aug-2008 11:29

Just one little class I made to control user's submitted datas, I thought it could help some people with security.
And if anyone wants to improve it, I'd be glad you do so.


* This program is under GNU GPL license.
* You can contact the author of this program at <ffmandu13@hotmail.com/>.

//Defined regexps (you can add your own ones).
define('REG_DATE' , '([[:digit:]]{4})-([[:digit:]]{2})-([[:digit:]]{2})');
define('REG_DIGIT_SIGNED' , '^[-[:digit:]]+$');
define('REG_DIGIT_UNSIGNED', '^[[:digit:]]+$');
define('REG_PASSWORD' , '^[[:alnum:]]+$');
define('REG_TEXT' , '[[:graph:][:blank:]]+');
define('REG_WORD' , '^[[:alpha:]]+$');

//Controls contents of the $_REQUEST variable.
final class checkVar{

private $tmp; //Secured value of a $_REQUEST key.

//Check if the variable is set.
private function isSet(&$field){
throw new Exception("You forgot to fill the $field field.");
return true;

//Set $tmp and remove threatening characters.
private function removeCharsThreats(&$field){
$this->tmp = trim($_REQUEST[$field]);
$this->tmp = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST[$field], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);

//Checks if the value is equal to 1.
public function securityBool($field){
if($this->isSet($field) && $_REQUEST[$field] != 1)
throw new Exception("Unallowed value in $field field.");
return true;

//Checks if the value is in the allowed ones list ($enum).
public function securityEnum($field, $enum){
$tab = explode(',', $enum);
if(!in_array($this->tmp, $tab))
throw new Exception("Unallowed value in $field field.");
return (string) $this->tmp;

//Checks if the value is a numeric one and if it is in the given range.
public function securityRange($field, $range){
$tab = explode('/', $range);
throw new Exception("Unallowed characters in $field field.");
elseif($this->tmp < $tab[0] || $this->tmp > $tab[1])
throw new Exception('Value must be in range '.$tab[0].'/'.$tab[1]." in $field field.");
return (int) $this->tmp;

* Checks if the value respects the defined regexp,
* and if its length is not superior than the given maxlength.
public function securityText($field, $maxlength, $regexp){
if(!mb_ereg($regexp, $this->tmp))
throw new Exception("Unallowed characters in $field field.");
elseif(mb_strlen($this->tmp, ENCODING) > $maxlength)
throw new Exception("Too long string length for $field field.");
return $this->tmp;



Here are some examples of how to use the public methods.


$checkVar = new checkVar();
$args = array();

//If $_REQUEST['bbexport'] is not equal to 1, throws a new Exception.
$args['bbexport'] = $checkVar->securityBool('bbexport');

//If $_REQUEST['id'] is not an unsigned integer and/or has more than 4 digits, throws a new Exception.
$args['id'] = (int) $checkVar->securityText('id', 4, REG_DIGIT_UNSIGNED);

//If $_REQUEST['orderBy'] is not equal to 'date' or 'id' or 'name', throws a new Exception.
$args['orderBy'] = $checkVar->securityEnum('orderBy', 'date,id,name');

//If $_REQUEST['ratio'] is not a numeric value (integer or float) and is not between 0 and 10, throws a new Exception.
$args['ratio'] = $checkVar->securityRange('ratio', '0/10');

12-Jun-2008 10:47
@f dot zijlstra

Actually you should not filter against known bad data, you need to white list your filters. Rather than looking for bad data, you should strip everything but what you expect because it's future proof.

example for a 32 character text input field:
$inputvar=preg_replace('/[^\w\.\-\& ]/', '', $inputvar);

This will strip numbers, newlines, null characters, # and all non-printable characters, only allowing word characters(determined by locale setting), .,-, space and &, as well as truncate the value to the size you accept. You could use preg_match instead and throw an error if there's anything outside the pattern.

This can be a little painful because you might miss a character you need, and have to add it to your code, but it's easier than restoring your database, or explaining to your customers about why their data is now in the hands of identity thieves.

Default deny for the long term win. It's the only security panacea that works now and always will. Blacklists are the completely wrong approach because they don't handle future threats you don't know about yet.

Further you should use mysqli and prepared statements for queries which use user data as parameters, after using the mysql filters on the input data. If you really want to go the extra mile, start using stored procedures because it will allow you to remove SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE and INSERT permissions from the web server user. All you need is EXECUTE for stored procs, thereby limiting what can be seen of the database to only the functions you expose(and you can easily expose too much if you aren't careful).

Naturally the big dangers are SQL injection and XSS. A simple filter like this will break them when combined with a prepared statement.

As someone else noted, relying on _anything_ from the client is an extremely bad idea because it can all be spoofed (including HTTP_REFERER) using Paros, Tamper Data or any other client side proxy, by doing a simple man in the middle tamper on yourself.

You can make HTTP_REFERER=http://www.whitehouse.gov if you want.

Sorry to segway into db security, but you can't avoid it when talking about sanitizing input which leads to building queries.

f dot zijlstra at gmail dot com
17-May-2008 06:07
I'd like to note that the 'easysecure' thing posted below is NOT a secure way to validate that the form was indeed submitted from a browser. In fact, there is NO way you can guarantee that.

A smart person with bad intentions can easily parse the HTML page to fetch the generated token and pass it on. The only way to secure your forms is to explicitly check every variable against potentially dangerous values.
02-Feb-2008 04:51
making sure your form is submitted from your page! Could also be adapted to url, by additing &token to the query string and checking this against session data(or what ever array you like) with $_GET, not that this string is randomly generated and stored. If you like you could build your own array to store the generated string if you dont want to use $_SESSION, say you could make yours like $tokens = array(), and in your easysecure class you store all the stuff in that array!


class easysecure {

var $curr_user;
var $curr_permission;
var $curr_task;
var $validpermission;
var $error;

function &setVar( $name, $value=null ) {
if (!is_null( $value )) {
$this->$name = $value;
return $this->$name;

function maketoken($formname, $id){

$token = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));

$_SESSION[$formname.$id] = $token;

return $token;

function checktoken($token, $formname, $id){
//echo ($token);
//if we dont have a valid token, return invalid;
$this->setVar('validpermission', 0);
$this->setVar('error', 'no token found, security bridgedetected');
return false;

//if we have a valid token check that is is valid
$key = $_SESSION[$formname.$id];
if($key !== $token ){
$this->setVar('validpermission', 0);
$this->setVar('error', 'invalid token');
return false;

if($this->validpermission !==1){
echo 'invalid Permissions to run this script';
return false;
return true;



<?php $userid = *** //make it what ever id you like ?>
<form name="newform" action="index.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="potentialeveilfield" value="" size 30 />
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo maketoken(newform, $userid); //$userid here could be user profile id ?>" />
<input type="submit" />

Now when processing the form... check the value of your token


//well you know the form name
if(!checktoken($_POST['token'], 'newform', $userid))
{ //failed
exit(); //or what ever termination and notification method best suits you.
//you could also design the class your way to get more accurate fail (error messages from the var)

//you can now continue with input data clean up (validation)

Uli Kusterer
13-Sep-2005 03:50
One thing I would repeat in the docs here is what information actually comes from the user. Many people think a Cookie, since it's written by PHP, was safe. But the fact is that it's stored on the user's computer, transferred by the user's browser, and thus very easy to manipulate.

So, it'd be handy to mention here again that:

CGI parameters in the URL, HTTP POST data and cookie variables are considered "user data" and thus need to be validated. Session data and SQL database contents only need to be validated if they came from untrustworthy sources (like the ones just mentioned).

Not new, but I would have expected this info under this headline, at least as a short recap plus linlk to the actual docs.
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Comillas Mágicas> <Uso de Register Globals Last updated: Fri, 22 Aug 2008
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